How do you create a seamless student experience across multiple services and channels (physical and digital)? How do you support the unique needs of the adult student population?
My Role
As a freelancer, I was brought on to support the workshop design and workshop facilitation with groups of students and staff, as well as the synthesis of the research outcomes into conceptual mockups and journey maps.
Several ideas for improving the student experience were voiced and it was through a series of discussions, rapid prototyping sessions, and drawing from group insight were we able to drill the ideas down to a few core concepts. They included an integrated back-of-house system for seamless student support across multiple departments, a way to easily compare and track individual degree progress, and a personalized dashboard to quickly access what information is most relevant to each student. (Client name has been removed or blurred for confidentiality. All images are property of brightspot strategy.)
Pilot and Prototyping Workshop
Series of workshops were designed to help identify key opportunities and prototype solutions.
Storyboard for "Super Awesome Degree Map"
This tool would help prospective and current students understand their options for obtaining their degree. The content I created was used to apply for (and win) a grant to further develop these ideas.
Storyboard for "Coordinated Service Network"
This service would create a seamless experience for students needing support from multiple departments. The concept has moved into development and can be tracked here.